Please note that we are making changes to Shipping Charges effective Monday January 7th, 2019. We have had the same charges for shipping for the past 3 years and unfortunately the prices have increased so much within the past year that we are now forced to increase our fee for shipping. That’s the bad news. The good news is that if you order 18 or more pairs, we will pay your shipping (YUP! Free shipping for orders of 18 pairs of socks or more)
The charges are as followed:
1-3 pairs of socks ~ $8.50 Shipping Charge (as opposed to $6.00)
4-6 pairs of socks ~ $12.00 Shipping Charge (stays the same)
7-12 pairs of socks ~ $18.00 Shipping Charge (stays the same)
13-17 pairs of socks ~ $21.00 Shipping Charge (stays the same)
18 or more pairs of socks ~FREE SHIPPING!!!!